Thursday, November 24

Kiss the rain

It's a miracle from God..
It brings life.. it brings happiness.. it brings prosperity..
From the rain.. God give us grace, give us love..
Tell us that there are hope..
Do you know.. from the rain falling.. at that moment fall in love with you..
It begun at a rainny season in this wonderfull year..
season of love..
Season on grace..
The time the we fall in love each other..
Do you know.. why the rain could love you..
Because the rain..
I came t you.. grew love in your heart..
Wash away the loneliness.. and my loneliness.. :)
Unforgetable rain was there.. rain in lucerne..
Rain that make you sad..
I hope this kind of rain..
this rain would not come to you again..
I am the rain..
Please let me heal those wound..
I know that this rain could fall.. just like the the tears..
Tears from your heart..
I am the rain..
drenched your clothes.. is not what mean..
If you feel this rain just hold you..
May this rain go away..
If you miss me.. want to see me..
Just fell the rain..
Touch the rain..
Kiss the rain..
Coz am the rain..
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